Thursday, February 5, 2009

What is going on ?

Somehow, I have an impression that things are really not disastrously bad out there. When I went to Westfield over the weekend, it felt a bit business as usual. Certainly not a ghost town. Yet, the government is literally dropping money from the helicopter. Not to mention, the soap opera with Turnbull. Does the government know something that we don't ? 

Having wiped out $96bn in debts and now we are on the way to accumulate another $100bn in debts, makes you wonder if we may one day become  the Banana Republic again ? But then we can always grow more bananas to earn the precious foreign currencies.

Anyway, something of note this week. I was browsing Real Looks like some vendors are lowering their asking prices by $100-200K.

Things are warming up.....

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